Hi all, I have created through the web interface the following call CURL
Hello, I'm trying to add a journal article , and i try with this code. Map<locale, string> titleMap = new HashMap<locale, string>(); GregorianCalendar date ...
Hi All, I'm struggling by two days with a not reproducible error, and at this point I have to ask help because I don't know what to do.
Hi there, I need assistance in the following scenario: I have downloaded and installed Liferay Portal 5.5-5.1.2. on my Windows Vista.
I was just looking through Liferay6.1 wsdl and saw addArticle method missing in the JournalArticleService. It's in the Java interface but missing from the ...
Dec 19, 2007 · At creation of an article there is the "shortcut": permissions. Here I can set under permissions->configure "add discussion" for the guest user.
I would like to add programmatically articles (or other content) to liferay using php or via other means (xml, http, rest, soap...), or even directly in MySQL?
Hi Team, We are using Liferay 7 GA3 CE, i want to save web content by my custom portlet by using structure and template,
Hello, I would like to programmatically add articles with structure, template and an image to liferay 6.2 using the API. These articles should be ...
Using Liferay 6 with Tomcat Bundle. I am successfully adding journal articles to my liferay system and then adding categories to the associated Asset.