This is the second and most recent edition of the book. It contains the updated names and language now found in EP's online Learn to Read course. - Easy Peasy All-in-One Homeschool is an online homeschool curriculum providing high quality education to children around the globe. This book is part of a series being offered as an offline version of the site's reading curriculum. This volume includes learning sight words with Mc - Guffey's Eclectic Primer, more reading practice with Mc - Guffey's First Eclectic Reader and over one hundred phonics lessons. You took my non-reading son and showed him that he could read." -Carol"My first grade boy who had been terrified to read on his own after four months of phonics work (thirty minutes a day) is now begging to try reading "Little House" books on his own (successfully even) after six weeks reading the Mc - Guffy Primer, one lesson a day." -Danielle"I have a nine-year-old son that has really struggled with reading. He has dyslexia. He is doing really well with the way you do reading." -Jessica