: Body / Mind / Spirit, Education
: A. W. Tozer, Caleb Sinclair
: Repro India Limited, hardback
"Are you sure you want to be filled with a Spirit who, though He is like Jesus in His gentleness and love, will nevertheless demand to be Lord of your life?" A. W. - The great tragedy of the human race is that sin has fallen headlong from the mighty purpose that God had created us for. - In His mercy, God has provided His followers with a Helper, the Holy Spirit. The role of the Spirit is abysmally overlooked in our churches today. - In Relying on the Holy Spirit, Tozer argues for the need for every Christian everywhere to desire earnestly for the filling of the Holy Spirit. - It is a painful surrender, total and inclusive, but it is necessary if the Church is to fulfill the work that her Master requires of her.