: Foreign Language, Religion
: A. V. Publications, hardback
The wait is over for the sequel to the international bestseller, New Age Bible Versions, for its quarter of a million readers! For the first time ever, view the authors who brewed the words in corrupt new bible versions, such as the TNIV, NIV, NKJV, ESV, NASB, and HCSB. College president Dr. Norris Belcher said, "This book takes you to the head of the stream, where you will see the men, standing with sticks in hand, stirring up the mud to cloud the pure water of God's word, the King James Bible." This book will bring Greek and Hebrew study out of the closet for the first time. Tumbling out come the starving skeletons of the authors of Greek and Hebrew study tools, lexicons and editions, the sordid sources from which new versions, such as the NIV, TNIV, NKJV, ESV, NASB, and HCSB take their corrupt words. These are the very same study 'aids' which kill a sermon or Bible study when used to 'define' a word in the Holy Bible. Lexicon and Bible dictionary authors dug down into the depths of pagan lore, then ransacked the English dictionary to find a match which could burn the Bible word-by-word. The smoke darkens the directing light of the holy scriptures. This book will document that men who want to change and redefine the Holy Bible are likely to want to change anything -- even Bible doctrine, their own gender, and their god. - Publisher