: Body / Mind / Spirit, Psychology, Science
: John T. Cacioppo, Laura Freberg
: Cengage Learning, hardback
In this innovative approach to the introductory course, John Cacioppo and Laura Freberg present psychology as a multidisciplinary, integrative science that is relevant for students of all majors. In DISCOVERING PSYCHOLOGY, 3rd Edition, the authors use a familiar chapter structure to provide an easy roadmap for the course, while highlighting connections within psychology as well as between psychology and other disciplines. The writing and features are smart and engaging, and consistently illustrate the benefit of using multiple perspectives within psychology. Cacioppo and Freberg offer the best science possible, including exciting new research findings likely to expand students' understanding of psychology as a scientific field of study. Features and images coordinate with and enhance the text, providing additional opportunities for critical thinking and connecting ideas.Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.