... Warre . Having received good Intelligence by thefe , and gi- ving them fpeedy Commiffions to raife Forces ; and on the other fide , having gathered together the remainder of the Army which was brought back from the Warres of Livonia ...
... and the Queen of felt's Hift and Mereran . 1. 3 . tween the D. & Thuan.1.44 . and Meurf.1.5 . and B. Adrian . 20. & Aloyf . Hier.Conest 1.3 Cabrera.18 . 1568 . voying of money to pay the Duke of Book 7 . 65 Low - Countrey Warres :
... Warre , resolve to follow the Hollanders , and by ranging before their Ports , of the weilings , the Uley and the Texel , into which places they fled with their shattered Fleet , to block them up in their own Harbours , which ...
... Warre at this time against the Auftrians , neither yet to diftafte the Swedes ; but as Arbitrators of the bufineffe in Germany , the proceedings both of the Swedes and Auftrians depending upon the ballance of their For- ces , to keepe ...
... warre : Don John on the contrary attefting , that he had demon- fhews the plots ftrated his affection to Peace by fending away the Spaniards , disbanding all his other forces , and leaving himself no means , men , or munition for a warre ...
... warre : Don John on the contrary attefting , that he had demon- fhews the plots ftrated his affection to Peace by fending away the Spaniards , disbanding all his other forces , and leaving himfelt no means , men , or munition for a warre ...
... warre of Vararanes , King of Perfia , accorded by Anatolius ; That neither build fortifications upon the others frontier . Perozes , King of Perfia , makes warre upon the Ephthalite Hunnes , and is beaten .、 s CHA P. III . Perozes ...