uttered from
... uttered forth from the Mountain of the Lord of Host , to awaken the Inhabitants of the earth out of the deep sleep of security . T MUSEU He mighty God of power of Heaven and of Earth is rifen and arifing , yea he is come and coming ...
uttered from
... uttering of every request and thanksgiving that is uttered by the tongue : and wee muft pray and give thankes to God heartily and unfainedly soas we may say A. men to our owne and to other mens petitions and thankefgi- vings , with whom ...
uttered from
Verses in this book raise positive thinking to a Whole new level. Read this book if you're puzzled by what's happening in today's EGO-based world and want to play a role in changing it.
uttered from
... cross is mine , and that he needs my kiss to give life to his biography . Conversely , by kiss- ing the other's face and lips I acknowledge that my being lies in the other . When I kiss the other , I keep 102 UTTERING THE WORD.