It will give both Jews and Christians a deeper understanding of Judaism, both as a religion in itself and as a central component of salvation history. The book examines the unique and central role Judaism plays in the destiny of the world.
This is a comprehensive, dynamic, and practical presentation of the biblical teaching on salvation, including discusion of the role of the Spirit, union with Christ, the gospel call, regeneration, conversion, repentance, and more.
In Gender and Salvation, P. S. Jaini brings to light heretofore untranslated texts centering on a centuries-old debate between the two principal Jaina sects, the Digambaras and the Svetambaras.
A unique book exploring the issues of free will and God's sovereignty by comparing and contrasting the doctrines of Calvinism and Molinism, favoring the latter.
In Speaking of Sin, Barbara Brown Taylor brings her fresh perspective to a cluster of words that often cause us discomfort: sin, damnation, repentance, penance, and salvation.
Based on exhaustive reference to primary source material, this volume explores the relationships between religious mythologies and religious philosophical system within the theistic traditions in India.