... poffeffion . 9 . One Acre of remote Meddow by estimation & the seventy five lott in his poffeffion . 10. Two Acres of Meddow by estimation in Patch meddow bounded the East wth Joseph Moffe & the Weft wth Richard Woodward in his ...
... poffeffion and affert his title , fuch actual poffeffion is , prima facie , evidence of a legal title in the poffeffor ; and it may , by length of time , and negligence of him who hath the right , by degrees ripen into a perfect and ...
... poffeffion . But this poffeffion is either by right , or by wrong and it was a poffeffion of 20 years . If it was by right , the ob- jection is at an end . And a 20 years enjoyment and con- tinuance , even upon a poffeffion by wrong ...
... Poffeffion against fuch unlawfull claime . Yet quere Where Forcible Detainer of poffeffions is lawfull CHAP , XLVII . TH $ Dyer . 27 . 2 10.Carol.ca.13 . He Statute of 8. H. 6. concludetli thus , Provided that such as keep their Poffeffion ...
... poffeffion , 9 Poffeffion for twenty years is a good title in ejectment , 15 So it is a good bar to the plaintiff's action , ibid . 16 Poffeffion for fixty years is a good bar even against the king , The poffeffion of one joint ...
... Poffeffion of Bazalet Jung , and the other , not then reduced to Obedience , as foon as the Company fhould be put into Poffeffion of them ; making in all Nine Lacks Yearly . And your Committee find , that , by a fubfequent Append . N ...
... poffeffion in deed ? Stud . Yea verily , and yet upon a poffeffion in law Co. Litt . 31 . a woman fhall have her dower ; but no man fhall be tenant by the courtesy of land without his wife FinchLaw , 129 . have poffeffion in deed . Doc ...
... poffeffion or entry of the leffor of the plaintiff " within twenty years , which is necessary to give him a title , " must be an actual poffeffion or entry , not a prefumptive or " implied one . " Therefore in ejectment for mines , the ...
... poffeffion of Wm Morgan , and the moiety of Gworlod croft Pheris and Cae croft Pheris are in poffeffion of James George . 1. s . .0 13 5 We alfo find that certain lands called the moiety of Croft Pheris and Cae Lanyoth and Naw erw ...
... poffeffion , may the Leuites re- deeme at any time . redeeme 33 And if a man purchase of the or , one of Leuites , then the house that was fold , the Leuires and the citie of his poffeffion shall goethe out in the yeere of Jubile : for ...