... obfervations on , on abftinence from exercite in , obfervations on hereditary virtue of fpider's web in prevalence of , at Nottingham 425 Pick's , Mr. analyfis of a calcareous ftone Pinckard's , Dr. cafe of hydrophobia Pitcairn , Dr ...
... Obfervations at Greenwich . 1840'1 ( 1843 ) , 1842 ( 1844 ) , 1844 ( 1847 ) . I vol . ( See page 85. ) Alfo plates . Obfervations ( meteorological ) made at the Radcliffe Observatory in 1855. M. J. Johnson . Oxford . ( M. 2206 3 ) pp ...
... obfervations on 421 E , 428 MELMOTH'S ( W. ) Anfwer to Bryant 157 Melchior Striegel , G Membranes , obfervations on MEMOIRS Of General Dumourier , E. F 91 , 191 446 460 Lyfippus of Sicyon , remarks on 176 note , 258 , 459 177 M ...
... obfervations in America Pingre Aftronomical obfervations at King George's lfland , in the South Seas - LX 454 497 Green LXI 397 Several aftronomical obfervations made at Portf- mouth Wichel LXII 33 Aftronomical obfervations made at ...
... Obfervations . Abstracts of meteorological— at St. John's and Canton ... half - yearly inequalities . . . . Redfield . ( M. P. 287 14 ) pp . 8 . Obfervations at Hobarton , Van Diemen's Land , I , 1841 , II , 1843 , '50 , III , 1846 ...
... Obfervations on the naked fnail producing purple - - Obfervations on the worms that form fponges Obfervations on the fea alga with broad leaves Obfervations on a flight earthquake which may lead to the knowledge of the caufe Obfervations ...
... obfervations upon warr . 3. Some obfervations upon offenfive warr , and of conquering countries . 4. Some obfervations of a defenfive warr . 5. Some obfervations for thofe that undertake a war . 6. Obfervations and confiderations ...
... Obfervations on the Refractive Power of different fub- ftances . 477 : Chap . III . Of the refractive power of the Atmosphere . 489 SEC . V. Obfervations relating to the Colours of Thin Plates , and T others fimilar to them . 498 SEC ...
... Obfervations on the Refractive Power of different fub- ftances : Chap . III . Of the refractive power of the Atmosphere . 477 489 SEC . V. Obfervations relating to the Colours of Thin Plates , and others fimilar to them . 498 SEC . VI ...