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This is the first comprehensive dictionary of the Safaitic inscriptions, comprising more than 1400 lemmata and 1500 lexical items.
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The book is a translated, updated and considerably augmented edition of Jean & Hoftijzer, Dictionnaire des inscriptions sémitiques de l'ouest. The additions concern newly found texts as well as references to new scholarly literature.
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This volume will include critical and collated editions of all the inscriptions of the 1st-millennium Babylonian kings Nabopolassar (626–605), Amel-Marduk (biblical Evil-Merodach, 561–560), and Neriglissar (559–556).
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This volume collects some of the most important and representative of the inscriptions in transliteration and translation, organized by genre.
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Introducing Islamic inscriptions to newcomers to Islamic civilization and history, this work explains the importance of inscriptions, showing where they are recorded and how they can usefully supplement known documentary evidence.
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This book both introduces inscriptions and demonstrates sound methodological use of them in the study of the New Testament.
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Kenrick's insightful exploration of Roman burial customs provides a valuable insight into the lives and beliefs of the ancient Romans, making this book an essential addition to any library on the subject.