Green and Pleasant Land features such best-loved poets as Keats, Larkin, Shakespeare, Hopkins and Wordsworth, who effortlessly conjure relaxing and nostalgic images of a better time and place.
The best of Edwin Arlington Robinson's poetry rings with a lyrical and emotional purity and singularity that should assure his place as one of the treasured poets of his generation .
... in author - craft . This latter has , however , the merit of preserving in a greater degree the characteristics of the original , on which it was modelled , for while Shurley seems to have been unable to appreciate the quaint simplicity ...
... in author - craft . This latter has , however , the merit of preserving in a greater degree the characteristics of the original , on which it was modelled , for while Shurley seems to have been unable to appreciate the quaint simplicity ...
In Dear Elizabeth, three letters and five poems from Swenson to Bishop, including an unfinished draft never published before, are gathered into one small volume with an insightful essay by scholar and poet Kirstin Hotelling Zona.
... more may foe presume To dare this christian land . * skies . - Cork edition , 1799 . † In . - Author's MS . The famish'd wretches . - Cork edition , 1799 . III . ON A MOUNTAIN WHOSE SUMMIT . FROM a E 2 BANTRY BAY INVASION . 51.
... poets may adopt a single affective register more consistently , one of the great achievements of the Modern Love volume is its ... English Roadside , with Poems and Ballads . Robert Brownin ins from in author MODERN LOVE AND POEMS.
... in author - craft . This latter has , however , the merit of preserving in a greater degree the characteristics of the original , on which it was modelled , for while Shurley seems to have been unable to appreciate the quaint simplicity ...
Providing a synthesis of New York's artistic and literary worlds, this book uses social and philosophical problems involved in reading a coterie to propose a language for understanding the poet, art critic, and Museum of Modern Art curator, ...
... English Poetry. Smith College Classical Studies 6. Northamp- ton, Mass. Dyer, R. R. 1994. Bedspread for a Hieros ... In Author and Audience in Latin Literature, ed. T. Woodman and J. Powell, 33–44. Cambridge. Feldherr, A. 2000 ...