... fhew them the way 25.9.10 - all that I fhem thee 33.13.fhe me now thy way that ? 18.he faid - fhew me thy glory 19 , and will shew mercy on whom I will fhew mcrey Nam.16.5.the Lwill fhew who are his Dew.1 . 33.to fhew you by what way 3.24 .
... fhew Ifa.3.9.the fhew of their countenance Gal.6.12.to make a faireshew Col.2.1 5. he made a few of them 23.have a few of wifedome Shew . Gen , 12.1 . that I will be thee 46.31.1le go up and frew Pharaoh Exo.7.9 fhew a miracle 10.1.that ...
... fhew your felues 60,6 . they fhall fhew forth the praifes Ier.16.10.when thou shalt fhew this 13.I will not fhew you fauour 18.17.I will fhew them the backe 33. 3.fhem thee great and mightie 42.3.that thy God may fhew vs the 12.I will fhew ...
... fhew thee , that I have Pfa.4.6.who will fhew us any good ? 9.1.that I may be forth all thy So Verle 14 . 16.11.thou wilt fhew me the path of 17.7.jhew thy marvellous loving kin . 18.25 wil fhew thy felfe upright 25.4fbw me thy waies ...
... fhew , at lade fom . To make a fhew of anger , at lade fom , at mand er vræd . To make a fhew of ones riches , at prunke med fin ejendom . That was a fine fhew indeed , det var meget fmukt til at fee . To make a fine fhew , at prunke ...
... fhew of , or pretend , Simulo , 1. prae fe ferre . ¶They make a fhew of one thing , but actually do another , olera fpectant , lardum tollunt . To make a fine fhew , or cut a great figure , Magnificam per- fonam gerere vel fuftinere ...
... fhew the diftri- bution of the larger uterine veffels in their way to the placenta . XVIII . The fundus , or upper part of the womb . XIX . A fore view of the womb . Its fubftance is cut through , and turned up over the fundus , to fhew ...
... fhew iudge of mans felicitie or miferie , becaufe all things fall out alyke to the one and to the o- ther . And that is his meaning , where he faith , Man knoweth not ey- ther the laue or hatred of God toward him , if he wil iudge by ...
... fhew ? A. They fhew the folios of the ledger whereon the ac compts of Richard Hughs , Anthony Coule , and the other accompts ftand . And alfa fhew that thofe perfons or accompts are deb tors ; as the figure under the fmall line of the ...
... fhew the interpretation . But the king anfwered them , The matter is gone from me ; if ye do not make known to me ... fhew the dream , and the interpretation of it , ye fhall receive of me gifts and rewards , and great honour ...