fent from
... . 72. Cal aclarir que d'aquests 18 , quatre són algunes de les excepcions que ja hem comentat . Sempre haurem d'insistir, de fet ja s'ha dit anteriorment, que Índex 66 FENT FORTUNA . ACUMULACIÓ I BURGESIA A CASTELLÓ ( 1770-1841 )
fent from
... fent Bch . Abd . wm.Sc. n . & Fail , 205 - fail s.Wor . nw . Wil . fær ) n.Dur . + fe ( r ) , Wm . , but w . Faith ( contd . ) - feap sw . Yks. Yks . se . Lan . n.Stf . nw . & s . Lin . s . Oxf . m.Bck . w . Hrt . e . Suf . Sus . w.Som ...
fent from
... FENT . ( fra i cespugli verso Nannetta a bassa voce ) Pst , pst , Nannetta . NANN . ( mettendo l'indice al labbro per cenno di silenzio ) FENT . Ssss . Vien qua . Taci . Che vuoi ? Due baci . NANN . ( guardando con cautela FENT . NANN .
fent from
... Fent 6th 631252 Lillian 682345 John Mitchell 1116752 ( c ) BELLE Feb. 20 , 1922 Fent 6th 631252 Polled Charlotte 499358 John Mitchell John Mitchell John Mitchell 1116753 ( c ) BEULAH 2d Feb. 15 , 1922 Fent 6th 631252 Beulah 346635 John ...
fent from
... fent shop , shops stood close together . The accompanied by a boy who carried a smaller of them was devoted to the sale brown paper parcel . Mrs. Sprento , having of confectionery , the larger was a fent examined the contents of that ...
fent from
... fent to , 159 ; informed that commiffioners have been ap- pointed to run the Connecticut boundary , 174 ; admonishes Mr. Philips , a diffenting minifter , 181 ; votes of the N. Y. affembly fent to , 183 ; in- formed that the N. Y. ...
fent from
... fent , as being fent from God to us this Day . Chrift had his Miffion , he came not before he was fent , ( as himselfe said to his Disciples . ) " He that believes in you believes in me , and he that be- " lieves in me , believes in ...
fent from
... fent a small shot over their heads to fright them , which it did effectually . In the afternoon , I fent my boat afhore to the natives , who ftood upon the point by the river's mouth ; with a prefent of co- coa - nuts : When the boat ...