falvation from
... falvation that is come to your door ? Believe it , falvation is near unto you , if ye will take it . Thirdly , It is a wonderful falvation ; it is fuch a falvation as the Angels defire to pry into it , and it is fuch a falvation ...
falvation from
... falvation . " O hear , that your fouls may live . " Hear the joyful found of falvation , O loft perishing finner , before the door of mercy be shut , and the day of grace be over . Confider , 1. What fort of a falvation is offered to ...
falvation from
... falvation ; and this is contained in thefe words , being made perfect , he became the author of eternal falvation ; that is , ( as I told you before ) having finifhed his courfe , which was accomplished in his laft fufferings ; and ...
falvation from
... falvation . 2. By this meanes God intending two ends , either the falvation or damnation of all and every one , he puts all man- kinde upon large as great fear and d fpair , as upon comfort and hope , and hee intends and wils the ...
falvation from
... falvation : Heb . ii . 3 . " How fhall we efcape , if we neglect fo great falvation , " published by the golpel - trumpet ? The great Saviour . comes with a commiflion under the great feal of hea- ven ; " For him hath God the Father ...
falvation from
... falvation , and how doth it lead to falvation ? By light , I understand not the metaphorical ufe of the word ; as when Chrift faid to his difciples , « Ye " are the lights of the world ; " or , as the apostle speaks , " Now are ye light ...
falvation from
... falvation , and by giving the one , God gives his people security for the other . Faith is an appointed mean of falvation ; yea , it is a leading branch of falvation : and he who begins to save us , by implanting in us this grace , will ...
falvation from
... falvation from generation to generation ; ' that is , to the end of the world . Indeed the fruits of God's falvation fhall remain afterwards , as appears by the 6th verfe ; 6 Lift up your eyes to the heavens , and look upon the earth ...
falvation from
... falvation , in which falvation is conveyed to loft sinners , Acts iv . 12. Neither is there falvation in any other : for there is none other name under heaven given among men whereby we must be javed . And , 1. It is the channel of ...
falvation from
... falvation of mankind . And therefore he tells us , ver . 16. that how much foever it was despised by that ignorant and inconfi derate age , he was not afhamed of the gospel of Chrift ; because it is the power of God unto falvation , to ...