... falfe fpeaking in particular , and here we must confider , 1. In judgment . 1. falfe teftimony which is given in judgment : and 2. falfhood uttered out of 2.Out of judg judgment . ment . Prov . 19.5 . Ofly's in gene- ral . John 8.44 ...
... falfe judgment be given in the base court upon a writ of Droit Patent , that then this heir fhall have a Scire facras ad audiend ' Errores against him who reco- vereth upon that record which is removed into the Common Pleas . And if the ...
... falfe Chrifts , and falfe Prophets and Teachers fhould arife after his Death ; and after the Jews had been fo fevere to our Saviour , for giving out himself to be the Meffias , tho ' he gave fuch convincing Evidence of it , this fhould ...
... Falfe and True - A Mogul Tale . 16. The Iron Cheft - Blue Devils- My Grandmother . . [ ing Tom . 17. Crofs Purpofes - Falfe and True - Peep- 18. The Heir - at - Law - The Children in the Wood . [ Key . 20. The Purfe - Falfe and True ...
... falfe Prophets , against whom this Caution is given , were falfe Chrifts , falfe Apoftles , and falfe Teachers : of all which we read in the Apoftles days , and fome of which we have the fad experience of in ours . The falfe Chrifts ...
... falfe im- prisonment * ib . ib . And though he tell officer he is B. If fpecial bailiff do not fhew the warrant on de- mand , falfe imprisonment 368 If a warrant be to two , arreft by one , no false imprisonment If a ftranger affift an ...
... falfe judge ment . A vaffal could not appeal the court of his lord of falfe judgment , without demanding a judicial combat against the judges who had pronounced fentence . But St Lewis introduced the practice of appealing of falfe ...
... falfe , ibid . § 1 , & c.` \ When falfe , I. 416 , & c . § 21 22 , 23 , 24 , 25 As bare appearances in the mind , neither true nor falfe , I. 408 , 3 As referred to other men's ideas , or to real exiftence , or to real effences , may be ...
... falfe notion of . MISCONCEPTION , MISCONCEIT , n . s . falfe opinion ; wrong notion . MISCONDUCT , n . s . ill - behaviour ; ill - management . To MISCONDUCT , v . a . to manage amifs ; to carry on wrong . ! • MISCONJECTURE , n . s ...
... falfe witness against his neighbour . Secondly , The enormity of the fin of bearing falfe witness . Thirdly , What reflections may beft enable us to avoid it . The highest degree of guilt forbidden by this law of God , is falfe ...