Hence, Calvin translates the Tetragrammaton as 'l'Eternel', and Mendelssohn as 'das ewige Wesen' or 'der Ewige'. Eternity also plays a central role in contemporary South American fiction, especially in the works of J.L. Borges.
In A Very Brief History of Eternity, Carlos Eire, the historian and National Book Award–winning author of Waiting for Snow in Havana, has written a brilliant history of eternity in Western culture.
Note: This is a companion piece to the Eternity Is Now in Session DVD Experience (9781496431684) and John Ortberg's book Eternity Is Now in Session (9781496431646). What does it really mean to be saved?
This book looks at his riveting definition and the questions that flow from it: What if we stopped thinking about eternal life as something we can only experience after we die?
I have the proof, and it is within the pages of this book as real-life encounters with those who have died only to become trapped in perpetuity as it were and share their stories of what they saw, what they felt, and what pulled them out of ...
Imagine yourself gathering the "FACTS" if you will. I prefer to say "TRUTH". What do you know? What do you believe? This book is for anyone who wants to learn about eternity, and have these questions answered: - What is eternity?
This is not merely a peripheral doctrinal issue, but lies at the heart of our understanding of God and humanity, and contributes to our entire worldview.
The law of eternity self help non fiction, inner guide to meditation for the realization of your inner being , consciousness , awareness non being the law of eternity.