In Four Books William Blackstone. II . AN eftate then in remainder may be defined to be , an eftate limited to take effect and be enjoyed after another eftate is determined . As if a man feifed in fee - fimple granteth lands to A for ...
... Eftate of Inheritance or Freehold , or for any Copyhold or Cuftomary Eftate , un- der or by virtue of any Deed , Gift , Will , or otherwife , for all or any Part of fuch Eftate , Right , and Intereft , as her Majefty , or fuch Perfon ...
... Eftate , he who enjoys the Eftate is bound to make Satisfaction . And when inju- ries do thus defcend as Burdens and Incumbrances upon Eftates , and when not , the Civil Laws of the place where we live muft determine : but then where my ...
... eftate , or right in effe , which a perfon hath in or to lands , & c . from one man to another that hath the poffeffion or fome eftate in it , whereby a voidable estate is made fure and unavoidable , or a particular eftate is increased ...
... Eftate , and concluded , & c . Wynch Juftice was of opinion that the Fine fhall not be a Barr to the Copy - hold Eftate in Remainder , for the acceptance of the Bargaine and Sale doth not determine the first Copy - hold Eftate for life ...
... eftate ; in either cafe A and B are joint - tenants of this prefent eftate , or this vefted remainder . But if , after a leafe for life , the remainder be limited to the heirs of A and B ; and during the continuance of the particular eftate ...
... eftate became abfolute , the eftate was thenceforth fubject at common law to the dower of the wife of the feoffee , and to all his other real charges and in- cumbrances ; for though , if the feoffor performed the condition , then he ...
... eftates may re - purchase his eftate , which either he or any of his ancestors have fold , provided he can prove the title of his family . But in order to enforce this claim , his ancestors , or he must have declared every tenth year ...
... Eftate - Tail , and keepeth the Reversion in himself , it is faid fuch Recovery against the Tenant in Tail will not bar the Iffue in Tail of his Entry , nor difcontinue his Eftate , nor pluck fuch Reversion or Remainder out of his ...
... Eftate , which doth Support a Remainder , may , or may not , Deter- mine before the Remainder may commence : There the Remainder doth not veft forthwith , but dependeth on Contingency . As in the Cafe above - mentioned where a Leafe is ...