Treatise from
These are poems of deep listening and patient waiting, open to the cosmic loom, the channeling of daily experience and conversation, gestalt and angels, dolphins and a star-visitor beneath a tree.
Treatise from
Unabridged republication of the edition originally published by Oxford at the Clarendon Press, London, 1888.
Treatise from
For those seeking answers on the purpose and ultimate goal of human life, this is an intensive answer.
Treatise from
Two Treatises of Government is a work by an English teacher and philosopher John Locke about the state origin and its role in the society, the “civilized” form of government in contradiction to the tyrannical monarchy that became a ...
Treatise from
Taoists and non-Taoists alike consider Lao-Tzu's Treatise on the Response of the Tao, written by the twelfth-century sage Li Ying-Chang, an essential guide to living.
Treatise from
In this way the text demonstrates clearly how Tibetan Buddhism carefully preserved and developed the Indian Buddhist traditions.
Treatise from
Reader, thou hast here the beginning and end of a discourse concerning government; what fate has otherwise disposed of the papers that should have filled up the middle, and were more than all the rest, it is not worth while to tell thee.