Nicholas Herbert Jenner Fust Nepean
Born: October 22, 1882
Died: March 1, 1955 (age 72 years)
Grandparents: Evan Nepean, Edward Francis Jenner, and Anne Fust
Great-grandparents: Evan Nepean, Margaret Skinner, Herbert Jenner Fust, and more
Parents: Elizabeth Anne Jenner and Sir Evan Colville Nepean
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Sir Herbert Jenner-Fust and Elizabeth Lascelles. She married Rev ... Nicholas Herbert Jenner Fust Nepean b. 22 Oct 1882, d. 1 Mar 1955. Citations.
She was the daughter of Sir Evan Colville Nepean and Elizabeth Anne Jenner. ... Nicholas Herbert Jenner Fust Nepean b. 22 Oct 1882, d. 1 Mar 1955. Citations.
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Sir Herbert JENNER-FUST (d. 20 Feb. 1852), of Hill Court, co. Gloucester. / Anne Fust (d. 6 Sept. 1871) m. Rev. Canon Evan NEPEAN (1800–73), Rector of Heydon, ...
May 18, 2013 ˇ My mother's grandfather was Sir Herbert Jenner-Fust, chief judge of the Probate and Divorce Courts. He added the name of Fust as a condition to ...
As for the numerous and interesting pedigrees contained in it, only those who have been engaged in a similar under- taking can properly appreciate the vast ...
A court case consequently ensued, presided over by Sir Herbert Jenner-Fust. Although the codicil appeared more like a rough copy, it appeared to be ...
Anne de Bellevue Receives Tuesday Miss Ellen Jenner-Fust Mr. Herbert Jenner-Fust Miss M. Gertrude Jenner-Fust OSTRICH PLUMES AND KID GLOVES There is no need ...
Such men indeed deserve a much long-er note than m}^ limited space would allow, but it is for the " own familiar friend" of each, and not for a strang-er,.
Search your ancestry with FreeREG. FreeREG provides free online access to transcriptions of birth, marriage and burial records from Church of England and ...