Discipline is basically calm and controlled behaviour. It is when rules and boundaries are put in place and if those rules are broken then punishments are ...
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Discipline plays a fundamental role in shaping individuals' behavior and character, both at home and in school environments. It lays the foundation for success, ...
Feb 23, 2010 · Here are the essays! DISCIPLINE STARTS AT HOME Most of us start our live at homes. For the first twelve years, children live with their parents.
Discipline is needful so that good habits can be formed. This allows us to build positive attitudes and impart skills that are expected for their ages.
One of the most common strategies used by parents to alter long-term behavior of their children is corporal punishment, commonly referred to as spanking.
An important parental aspect of raising children is discipline. Disciplining children isn't corporal punishment, but rather showing logical consequences.
**Please note: This essay is about you and how you can be a better friend. It is not about the mistakes your friend has made. We are each responsible for ...
Dec 7, 2022 · Answer: Discipline begins at home. This is because the home is the first place where children learn and develop their behavior and habits.
Essay on Discipline– Discipline is something that keeps each person in control. It motivates a person to progress in life and achieve success. Everyone follow ...