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कम्युनिटी क्या है हिंदी में?
civilized adjective · having a high state of culture and development both social and technological. Synonyms. civilised. शिक्षित, शिष्ट, सभ्य. Example. "terrorist ...
civilized विशेषण · having a high state of culture and development both social and technological. पर्यायवाची. civilised. शिक्षित, शिष्ट, सभ्य. उदाहरण. "terrorist acts that ...
उदाहरण : खबर मनोरंजन नहीं है बल्कि एक सूचना का विस्तार है जिसमें गंभीरता और शालीनत की उम्मीद की जाती है। [ ...
A civilized society has an advanced level of social organization. सभ्य. I believed that in civilized countries, torture had ended long ago. 2 ...
civilized. विशेषण Adjective. शिक्षित Edit; शिष्ट Edit; सभ्य Edit. half civilized. विशेषण Adjective. अर्द्धसभ्य Edit. civilizedly. शिष्टतः Edit; सभ्यतः Edit; बाशऊर Edit ...
Civilized meaning in Hindi is शिष्ट and it can write in roman as . Along with the Hindi meaning of Civilized, multiple definitions are also stated to provide a ...
civilized meaning in Hindi ; civilized ({adj.}) शिष्ट ; to civilize ({vb}), शिष्टाचार सिखलाना|सुधारना|सभ्य बनाना ; civil ({adj.}) देशीय|राजनैतिक|नगर या राष्ट्र का|सुशील|सविनय|सभ्य|दीवानी|शिष्ट.
सभ्य. adjective. 1. civilized having a high state of culture and development both social and technological "terrorist acts that shocked the civilized world"