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warres from
... Warre . They therefore kept them- felves within their quarters at Wirtenberg , and the Marquifat of Tur- lach , not indeavouring any other enterprife , attending the ... Warres , and other of the best part of Christendome . 277.
warres from
... Warre , doubtfull whether to call it , The Warre of the Low - Countrey - men and the Spaniards , or almoft of all Europe : For to this hour we fee it manag'd by the Arms and Purses , at least , by the Defignes and Counfels of fo many ...
warres from
... Warre , resolve to follow the Hollanders , and by ranging before their Ports , of the weilings , the Uley and the Texel , into which places they fled with their shattered Fleet , to block them up in their own Harbours , which ...
warres from
... warre : Don John on the contrary attefting , that he had demon- fhews the plots ftrated his affection to Peace by fending away the Spaniards , disbanding all his other forces , and leaving himself no means , men , or munition for a warre ...
warres from
... Warre ; thofe that were for Peace , wrought thereunto by huge Gifts , and mightie promifes made them by Walefteine , faid : That his " Highneffe had hitherto managed the Warre with little profit , and " great expences , fince he hath ...
warres from
... tours The Prince of Orange ex- preßes werymuch trouble . threatned . Ulricus Viglius " : ,,, : ༣༩ Yet not fuffered Town . to depart the 1566 : And very much terrified . Makes fome Conceffions Book V. 129 Low - Countrey Warres .
warres from
... warre of Vararanes , King of Perfia , accorded by Anatolius ; That neither build fortifications upon the others frontier . Perozes , King of Perfia , makes warre upon the Ephthalite Hunnes , and is beaten .、 s CHA P. III . Perozes ...