Treason: Law Doesn't Apply Unless United States Has Declared War. WASHINGTON Many — Americans have wondered why citizens who have declared their sympathy for the North Vietnam side of the war ... treason, "The crime of treason consists.
AGASI TREASON. WASHINGTON, prl 17. — All perin the United States, citizens as well as aliens, are warned against the commission of acts of treason or of suppression of knowledge of such acts, in the following proclamation issued by ...
... Treason Act of Edward III in 1351 declared high treason a special crime, unclergyable and unhaleable It was marked off from all other crimes by a peculiarly ghaslly punishmcnl: The Iraitor was drawn, quartered and beheaded after hanging ...
... treason, treason at the treason at home, treason in our midst, mid shoot and hang up traitors, traaion, de defiantly disloyal, treasonable demonstrations, demonstration treason as the North, Copper bead. Coppe Copper hea-listn ...
... treason, and the others of attempted treason, according to the independent Interfax news agency. The prisoners were known in human rights circles, but not by the public. Religious ... treason and Boris Yuzhin, 15 years for treason.
WEBSTER DEFINES TREASON. THE CHARGE of treason is being bandied about so casually nowadays, and in regard to so many different types of activity, that at may be a public service to trace the historic boundaries of that crime. So we have ...
... treason. But the truth i* that "treason," as defined by the Supreme Court of the United States, does not apply to such cases,. A study of the various decision!! handed down by the High Court reveal* that for treason to be committed there ...
... treason here in the United States! The authors of, -the Constitution took the trimc of treason so seriously that they defined t" narrowly in that document. They knew that many occasions English courts had con- 'stjuecl as treason crimes ...
What is treason? Once treason meant disloyalty a king or ruler. A person who icized the ruler's policies and tions might find himself convicted d of treason. Today, however, the meaning of treason has changed cause people In a ...
... Treason implies traitors. There can no such thing as treason without traitors, verdict of tho whole; civilized viorld is »*Miist both and tho stigma and disgrace which attaches to either Is such that there la nothing which justify or ...