... translation : Optimal Control of Systems Governed by Partial Differential Equations. Springer- Verlag, Berlin, 1970. [9] Russian translation : Mir, Moscow, 1972. [10] Problemes aux Limites Non Homogenes et Applications (with E ...
... Translate performs English-to-Spanish translation on a line-by-line basis; the end result does need to be proofed by a qualified Spanish speaker. Uncle. Fred's. Data. File. Doctor: Hokey. Name,. Solid. Product. File: C ARAP ID\RFDATA\ ...
... translation for the phrase then appears on the display. , . The M-100 display can hold up to 16 characters. If the translation is longer than the width of the display, the words rotate to the left. Craig claims that the M-100 allows the ...
... translation of several languages. cards for feeding into processor for translation Russian sentence "Obrabotka povishayet kachyestvo nyeftyi" is punched and printed on card for translation Watching two different programs on same screen ...
... translation: propulsion into a precarious future. But translation takes on profounder meanings, too. In a sense, all language is translation, the struggle to express ideas and feelings so that they will convey our thoughts and emotions ...
... translation function is far simpler than the translation of a foreign language. Using an adaptation of the language translation programs, it was feasible to explore the possibility of creating a large, random-access "dictionary" of ...
... translation. Most of the actual translation is outsourced to professional translation firms. What we do, I would call it editing or localisation. The really nice thing about the term localisation is that when you talk about. "When. you.
... translator unit use 6 MI-Iz of bandwidth in each direction, leaving more than 96 percent of the total cable bandwidth available for other uses. It remains to be seen, though, how the other channels on the network will be used and ...
... translation engine, creates an intermediate format from which all bidirectional translations occur. Individual modules support each translation and can be installed separately. It even supplies development kits for customized translations ...
... translation service that can help more people interpret the Internet. By Greg/ilwang ince an estimated 80 percent of Internet content is in English, the FIRST LOOKS TheTrulyWor-ldwideWeb options range in price and accuracy. Machine I z ...