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Teach Primary: Helping Countries to Measure Effective Teaching Practices
World Bank
Teach Primary: Helping Countries to Measure Effective Teaching Practices ... Teach Primary is a free classroom observation tool that provides a...
27 months ago
Free to Teach, Free to Learn
AFT - American Federation of Teachers
It is the primary duty of a teacher to make a student take an honest account of his stock of ideas, throw out the dead matter, place revised price marks on...
4 months ago
How I learned to teach like a scientist
Science | AAAS
I decided to shift my focus to teaching mostly undergraduate classes. Teaching made it easier for me to get home at the same time each evening.
66 months ago
I Tried to Teach My Son Soccer. Here’s What He Taught Me.
The New York Times
What Coaching My Son Taught Me: After decades reporting on soccer, three months helping to coach a team of children under age 7 came as a...
3 weeks ago
As a Naive College Student, I Fell for the Mission of Teach for America
The Teach for America mindset is that a two-year commitment is enough to take a bite out of systemic inequities in education. Whenever I felt...
21 months ago
Why I Teach Central America
Teaching for Change
Anna Lapera is a middle school teacher in Montgomery County, Maryland and the author of Mani Semilla Finds Her Quetzal Voice. Lapera was one of...
3 months ago
Teach Camden: Through partnership with College of Education and city school district, paraprofessionals seek to become certified teachers
Rowan Today
Paraprofessionals working in the Camden school district are pursuing a free pathway to becoming certified teachers as part of Teach Camden, a...
2 months ago
Why I Teach ‘The Walking Dead’ in My Native Studies Classes
The Nerds of Color
I'm going to tell you about all the nitty gritty of The Walking Dead that I can muster in one blog entry. It is ALL going to be one massive Spoiler Alert.
127 months ago
NYC Men Teach
The City University of New York
Benefits. The CUNY NYC Men Teach program provides academic and financial supports to program participants, with the goal of supporting them through the...
62 months ago
I was trying, and failing, to teach literature to teens. Then I discovered these plays.
When Tom Deignan became a second-career teacher, he found himself trying — and failing — to teach literature to teens.
2 weeks ago