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Teach Primary: Helping Countries to Measure Effective Teaching Practices
World Bank
Teach Primary: Helping Countries to Measure Effective Teaching Practices ... Teach Primary is a free classroom observation tool that provides a...
27 months ago
As a Naive College Student, I Fell for the Mission of Teach for America
The Teach for America mindset is that a two-year commitment is enough to take a bite out of systemic inequities in education. Whenever I felt...
21 months ago
How I learned to teach like a scientist
Science | AAAS
I decided to shift my focus to teaching mostly undergraduate classes. Teaching made it easier for me to get home at the same time each evening.
65 months ago
Opinion | The Most Important Thing I Teach My Students Isn’t on the Syllabus
The New York Times
I want to give them intelligent questions, not final answers. I want to teach them how much they have to learn — and how much they will always...
7 months ago
Why I Teach Central America
Teaching for Change
Anna Lapera is a middle school teacher in Montgomery County, Maryland and the author of Mani Semilla Finds Her Quetzal Voice. Lapera was one of...
2 months ago
Teach Camden: Through partnership with College of Education and city school district, paraprofessionals seek to become certified teachers
Rowan Today
Paraprofessionals working in the Camden school district are pursuing a free pathway to becoming certified teachers as part of Teach Camden, a...
2 months ago
Why I Teach ‘The Walking Dead’ in My Native Studies Classes
The Nerds of Color
I'm going to tell you about all the nitty gritty of The Walking Dead that I can muster in one blog entry. It is ALL going to be one massive Spoiler Alert.
127 months ago
Called to Teach Conference
Ouachita Baptist University
Called to Teach is a gathering for current teachers, former teachers, upcoming teachers and anyone interested in education.
30 months ago
I was trying, and failing, to teach literature to teens. Then I discovered these plays.
When Tom Deignan became a second-career teacher, he found himself trying — and failing — to teach literature to teens.
5 days ago
AFT TEACH Conference
AFT - American Federation of Teachers
Connect and Learn in Our Nation's Capital. The AFT TEACH (Together Educating America's Children) conference will be held next summer, July 25-27, in Washington,...
90 months ago