Kitty Fane's affair with Assistant Colonial Secretary Townsend is interrupted when she is taken from Hong Kong by her vengeful bacteriologist husband to work in a cholera epidemic.
The book's initial public reception was poor. It was republished in 1927, with some minor wording changes, by Alfred A. Knopf, an influential firm that published many Harlem Renaissance writers, and Johnson was credited as the author.
These works that everybody, young or old, reads and reads again, have on the Chinese mind an influence much greater than the whole bulk of the classics.
When you look at fine connections, it's hard to say exactly what relation "Alice in Wonderland" has to this book, "Through the Looking-Glass," Oh, it's plainly the same girl, though she seems older, here, and some characters (like ...
Así tropezarás con Los tres mosqueteros: Athos, Porthos y Aramis, a quienes llegarás a querer tanto como a tus mejores amigos, y con quienes ante más de un peligro exclamarás la ya muy célebre promesa “ Uno para todos y todos para ...
Man mano che cotesta ricerca del meglio di cui l'uomo è travagliato cresce e si dilata, tende anche ad elevarsi, e segue il suo moto ascendente nelle classi sociali." "I Malavoglia" è stato il primo e-book realizzato da Liber Liber.