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subject:"Drama" from
This anthology brings together a variety of plays and prose which sets this phenomenon in perspective and traces the development of Victorian theatricals from private home events in the late-Georgian period to full-scale Gilbert and ...
subject:"Drama" from
B/W PAPERBACK by John Cowart: It all happened in Jacksonville, Florida: *Seminole Indians, dressed in the costumes of Shakespearian actors, attacked Mandarin. *A letter from a prostitute lead Jacksonville's most popular minister to be ...
subject:"Drama" from
"This full colour graphic novel presents "The Scottish Play" just as Shakespeare intended: in its original and unabridged format. Ideal for purists, students and readers who will appreciate the unaltered text.
subject:"Drama" from
Two years after their affair has ended, Emma and Jerry -- her husband's best friend -- meet and reflect on their illicit relationship.
subject:"Drama" from
Presents the text of the 1988 Tony Award-winning play in which diplomat Rene Gallimard, a captive of the French government, relives his twenty-year affair with a beautiful, elusive Chinese actress who turned out to be not only a spy, but a ...
subject:"Drama" from
A theatrical adaptation of one of John Steinbecks short novels.
subject:"Drama" from
THE STORY: Two drifters, George and his friend Lennie, with delusions of living off the fat of the land, have just arrived at a ranch to work for enough money to buy their own place.
subject:"Drama" from
When a Salvation Army officer learns that her father, a wealthy armaments manufacturer, has donated lots of money to her organization, she resigns in disgust but eventually sees the truth of her father's reasoning that social iniquity ...
subject:"Drama" from
¿Quién no querría volar hasta Nunca Jamás?
subject:"Drama" from
De Lubac traces the origin of 19th century attempts to construct a humanism apart from God, the sources of contemporary atheism which purports to have 'moved beyond God.