... racter , but truth in its generality . Here therefore the artistic element either expresses itself imperfectly or is something extrane- ous to the end of the writer . Again oratory , in its emotional element , has a certain resemblance ...
... racter in the Trojans . one who has studied oriental history or been the Trojan thrown in contact with Asiatics this discre- pancy is less apparent . Such inconsistencies of cha- racter are far more common in the Asiatic than in the ...
... racter either egotis- tical or aggressive , or too much inclined to work for the sake of results . It is accom- panied in this case by strong benevolent feelings , and affections of a concentrated though uneffusive nature . MR ...
... racter , and that this prevailed among them for a long time . It may be concluded , from the following circumstances , that , among the Egyptian Jews , the Sacred Books in the Hebrew language were still written in this ancient cha- racter ...
... racter . As a person's yes or no , so all his character . A downright yes and no mark the firm ; a quick , the rapid ; and a slow , the cautious or timid cha- racter Who writes an illegible hand is commonly rapid , often impetuous in ...
... racter as a magistrate , 353 ; is called to the consulship , 353 ; his behaviour in Britain on his arrival there , 363 ; attacks the Ordovices , and defeats them , 363 ; conquers Mona , 364 ; his gallant behaviour thereupon , 364 ; he ...
... racter of the Greek of the Gospels ; the uniformity of style severally character- izing each ; the consistency of the cha- racter of Christ : how do these facts bear on the question of careful preser- vation from an early age ? ( d ) ...