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quoque from
... quoque." This is pronounced "loo kwo' kwe" and is an adjective. It describes "a retort charging an adversary with ... quoque' argu-. In other words, Buckley probably wanted to say to the editors of The New York Times, "So's your old ...
quoque from
... quoque (Latin for "you too!"). This form of fallacy draws a conclusion that a certain action is justified or immune to criticism based solely on observations that someone else committed a similar action. While pretending to provide ...
quoque from
... quoque arirument was alviayo supposed to be tb» mqet nngentle- ""\nlik* i lorni ui ropartce. The person who Julpcd in a tu quoque generally siuicrrd in ttu n>.ft vulnerable p«t of hi* body— (Uugbrer) —and J would suggoet thst a tu quoque ...
quoque from
... quoque' Et tu quoq"1' Et sou gcsti avait la v#hf nu-i. • i an ' siir le mcurtro riunit. tuel Sis yeux. qi ]q peu hagards,. < 'ou jaillissait um luenr phosphores- ' -ut. . - fixnipnt .inns IP •• ;de Et i'ha- quo fois quc lc 'El tu quoque ...
quoque from
... Quoque, L.I. With he! were. Miss Dorothy Warren ani! Mrs. : Edith Gary. A card trom Arthur White of N. 57th St.. bean the same Quoque post mark. I: is hijs usual summering spot. Mrs. Dorothy Wilson of Wfr Mamsport, Pa., spent last week ...
quoque from
... Quoque, N.Y., in 1995. She was a secretary. She was a member of the Republican Club. She was a member of St. Rosalee Roman Catholic Church, East Quoque. She is survived by her nephew, John Ross Davis, Plant City; niece, Nancy Myers ...
quoque from
... Quoque-Wonderful old house 4-5 bdrm,newly renov.walk to bayMay 895ept lO.$4200.Wkdays 212-WA4-2531;wkdn 516-283-1295 Also for rent.hse in Sag Harb. FIRE ISLAND-OCEAN BEACH. Jerry's rms & apts. Mon-Thurs $l5/person. Fri-Sun, $25/per- son ...
quoque from
... quoque instead of the genuine repartee. On .the borderland of the tu quoque Is Dr. John' Johnson's ''You're no gentleman, "and,. the. .au- swer, "You're no judge.''
quoque from
... Quoque, L.I. With her were Miss Dorothy Warren and Mrs. Edith Gary. A card from Arthur White of N. 57th St.. bears the same Quoque post marfc It is his usual summering spot. Mrs. Dorothy Wilson of Wi!- Jiamsport, Pa., spent last week u ...
quoque from
... Quoque, L. L, at 11:30 a. m. Saturday at the home of the bridegroom's parents. A reception followed at Casa Basso's at West Hampton, L. I. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Sauersopf, Jr., and the bridegroom's parents ...