... purging disorder. Though similar to women with bulimia, purging-disorder patients don't binge-eat. Yet they feel compelled to purge, usually by vomiting, even even if not overeating, said Pamela Keel, a University of Iowa researcher who ...
Researcher studying cases of 'purging disorder'. DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — An Iowa researcher is studying a little-known eating disorder that some doctors may miss: purging disorder. Though similar to women with bulimia, patients who fit ...
... purging syndrome of young women." Bulimarexia, a new term, combined bulimia, originally from two Greek words meaning "ox hunger," and anorexia, loss of appetite leading to severe starvation, and sometimes death. "Bulimarexia, a cycle of ...
... purging treatment, In which specially treated bone marrow is passed through powerful magnets to extract the cancer cells, should be ready for human testing by the end of this summer, says Dr. Adrian Gee, professor of pediatric ...
UNFAIR. CONSIDERABLE v talk is pre- vnlent now about purging, the registration books of Mid- dlesboro. The books have gone far too long without Purging, as is provided for by law. Recently a committee, of men whom we understand to be ...
... purging Washington of . parasites is studied the clearer it becomes that much depends on whose parasite is to be purged. "Innuendoes from the executive office suggest that prominent among the purgees should be all residents of ...
... purged names to the over-all to tal persists, more than 0,000 wif! fall into the linn - voting category. To Drop Names The commissioners said that alter the purging in all districts has been completed, probably within a month or so. the ...
... purging at 4.p.m., and continued moro or less in tho same state all night. October 24 — Don seemingly nearly dead ; total paralysis, but quite sensible. Injected at aligkt intervals into the right external jugular vein 35 minims orroe ...
... purging disorder. Though similar to women with bulimia, patients who fit this description don't binge- eat. Yet they ... Purging disorder is new in the sense that it has not been officially recognized as a unique condition in the ...