prelate from
... Prelate . In that opinion , he ( the Earl of Chiches- ter ) entirely concurred . It was quite true that the delay complained of in- flicted a considerable hardship on the incumbents of small livings in the pa- tronage of the Chapter ...
prelate from
... Prelate also seem to me open to objection as being out of Order . The most rev . Pre- late canvassed certain alterations made in the constitution of the Final Court of Appeal by the Bill which is now in " another place . " I will only ...
prelate from
... Prelate has stated his object to but , with very great deference to the be , to get the opinion of the judges . But Right Reverend Prelate , I think that there are one or two points which were to restrict the term " Protestant clergy ...
prelate from
... Prelate ; but I think it in no way inconsistent with those feelings of disgust , that I should endea- vour to convince your Lordships that the Right Reverend Prelate has stated no sufficient grounds for the very extraordi- nary step ...
prelate from
... prelate holds out to him a book , the New Testament or the Gospels , which he accepts and holds to his breast , but closed . Then the prelate says , " You have now received the Testament in which is recorded the divine law . Never , for ...
prelate from
... prelate. Here he arranges the chalice and missal, then goes down to the ground on the gospel side and stands there, facing the epistle side across the sanctuary. When the prelate arrives at his place, where the faldstool or kneelingdesk ...
prelate from
... Prelate , with the Mitre on , sits down , and the Ministers wipe the table of the Altar with a clean piece of linen , and soon the Prelate in- censes it from above , in the form of a cross , in the middle and at the four horns ; which ...
prelate from
... prelate himself had been heated . He could have wished , indeed , that the noble prelate had given their lordships the satisfaction of denying what had been reported , but what he ( lord Carnarvon ) was convinced was false , that the ...
prelate from
... Prelate's memory had failed him in that respect . All he could say was , that he had not the slightest recollection of having heard those words used by the right rev . Prelate , neither had his noble Friends near him any recollection ...