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poffeffion from
... poffeffion of another perfon. That perfon however, told him .he had reared him, and that he had never been out of his poffeffion. His friend, however, was ftill convinced it was' his horfe, for he faid, the man who ftole his horfe ...
poffeffion from
... poffeffion. HOSA.NG LEONESOKT, Spaniards high, very black hair, dark complexion, maugreiook, and about 50 years of age ; committed by Matthew^ O'Dvifcol. Q. U. for ha^J fto^/Tfcoods in poffeffion. HENRY BRADLE\^j^ar>tlf of Cajolina ...
poffeffion from
... poffeffion. HOSANG LEONE.SON", a Spaniard, about 6 feet high, very black hair, dark completion, maugrelook, and about 50 years of age-; committed by Matthew O'Drifcol, O. U- for having ftolen goods in poffeffion. .HENRY BRADLEY ...
poffeffion from
... poffeffion f. of with her confent, the poffeiiiou will be peaceable, and one kind ot provifio.n will he neceffary ; but if it is to; be taken poffeffion of, in oppofition to Spain, ,a different provi. iionmay be neceffary. From thefe ...
poffeffion from
... poffeffion. HOSANG LEON7ESON, a Spaniard, about 6 feet high, very black hatr, dark complexion, matigre lo^k,, and about go years of age ; committed by Matthew O'Drifcol. Q. TJ. for having ftolen goods in poffeffion. HENKY BRADLEY, -a ...
poffeffion from
... poffeffion of the inhabitants. From the extent of the batteries, it will not be in my power to forward, by this opportunity, Lieutenant Brown's Report of the. I have the honour to be, &c. (Signed;- RICH. BLUNT, Lieut. Col. Buffs. Extraa ...
poffeffion from
... poffeffion of the Britifh as was fup- -paisd. The following is the ftatcment we have been enabled to .gather on this fubjeft : A fihall Englifh .force, confifting of about 200 wen landed en the ifland of Onruft, near Bata- Yh. in ...
poffeffion from
^3* TO -LET BY THE YEAR, an and and poffeffion p poffeffion given given g imim(lately called the e. mediately, that large an con , (y Tavern of Good Faith) mesfuring mesfurng in n front ro the King-ftreet 2.oad about 70 feet, snd 200 in ...
poffeffion from
... poffeffion o ofLouifiana, &c. — We alfo learn that Mr. Pichon, the French charge des affaires, has conveyed the neceffary authorities of his government, with the official order of the Spanifh king, under his own -fign manual for the ...
poffeffion from
... poffeffion of by a French national corvette then in port, under pretence of her being a Britifh veffel, with American papers. The Dutch governor, with proper fpirit, immediately interfered ; but the Frenchmen refufing to give her. up ...