... Poffeffion , 166,171 . A Poffeffory Judge- ment . 166 , 172 , 323. Upon Infeftment , 324 Upon Poffeffion by Tack , 325 , 326 , 327. Not effectual a- agai gainst Debita Fundi , nor without a Title , Ibid . Decen- naus & Triennales ...
... poffeffion of Mrs. G. Minot , of Cambridge . Opp . p . 68 . XII . JUDGE THOMAS DAWES again . From a portrait by Stuart , in the poffeffion of Mrs. Eliot . Opp . p . 70 . XIII . JOHN LUCAS . From a miniature fuppofed to be by Charles ...
... Poffeffion of fuch Perfon or Perfons , fhall be deemed and taken Purchase , fhall to have been lawfully entitled to fuch Lands , Tenements or Hereditaments , according to fuch Poffeffion , until the contrary fhall be fhewn to the ...
... poffeffion . Stair , Dirleton , Gosford , 21ft February 1672 , Reid contra Countess of Dun- dee . ---- And the father difponing the fee to his fon , referving his own liferent , his poffeffion was found fufficient to clothe his daughter ...
... poffeffion in deed ? Stud . Yea verily , and yet upon a poffeffion in law Co. Litt . 31 . a woman fhall have her dower ; but no man fhall be tenant by the courtesy of land without his wife FinchLaw , 129 . have poffeffion in deed . Doc ...
... poffeffion ( be- vendee to ac- ing the purchaser and holding in his own right ) fhall be cept payment , obliged to accept fuch payment , and to reftore and deliver & reftore pof- poffeffion of the eftate unto the mortgager or vender ...
... poffeffion again ; and that is by the A ftatute of 8 H. 6. c . 9. ( b ) And in this action of forcible entry the plaintiff fhall recover treble damages , as well for B the occupying of the lands , as for the firft entry therein . And a ...
... poffeffion for a series of years , under a gift Brooks er ux . M. from the rector and church - wardens , after the rebuilding of 24 Geo . 3. B.R. the church , will be fufficient to maintain the action ; for it ( n . a . ) will be ...
... poffeffion of the bankrupt , as if the person who took poffeffion for the trustees had not been there . Lord Kenyon in his judg- ment confiders that the trustees had no right to take poffeffion ; which clearly shews that he thought ...
... Poffeffion . TH HE Wrongs which carry with them an Amotion of Poffeffion are of Two Kinds , and concern , 1. The Rights of Chattels 2. The Rights of Freeholds . I. As to the Rights of Chattels , whereof the Party is difpoffeffed by a ...