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Adjectives for poffeffion: full, quiet, actual, immediate, own, peaceable, entire, long, undifturbed, fole, whofe, more.
O f eftates in poffeffion, ( which are fometimes called eftates executed, whereby a prefent intereft paffes to and refides in the tenant, not depending on any ...
In all which cafes, and many others that might be here fuggefted, the wrongdoer has only a mere naked poffeffion, which the rightful owner may put an end to, by ...
Notice of a Collection of Chinefe Drawings, in the Poffeffion of M. Van Braam, Author of this Work. Published online by Cambridge University ...
to be in poffeffion, who hath the beft right to the poffeffion: So that if A. fhall wrongfully enter upon B. and they both fhall continue in the Houſe, and ...
In order therefore to convert it into a method of trying titles to the freehold, it is firft neceffary that the claimant do take poffeffion of the lands, to ...
poffeffion of the lands, tenements and meffuages, as aforefaid, and that he, fhe or they, had demifed, let or leafed them as aforefaid, that the faid leafe ...
wrongful Detainer, or with holding with Force after Poffeffion demanded, of any Houfes, Lands, Tenements, or other Poffeffions, every fuch Juftice, fhall ...
the poffeffion of the defendant, in confequence of giving bond as afore aid; and in cafe the goods and chattels have been delivered to the commiffioners ...
fhall come to the Hands, Poffeffion or Knowledge of her the faid Ellinor filliland. Br unto the Hands and Poffeffion of any other Perfon or Perfons for her and.