How are they manifesting in diverse populations? And can you or your organization be instrumental in catalyzing more movements? Motus Dei, Latin for “movement of God,” seeks to answer these questions and more.
The Philippines series of the PALI Language Texts, under the general editorship of Howard P. McKaughan, consists of lesson textbooks, grammars, and dictionaries for seven major Filipino languages.
... motus musculorum and as preferred by William Munk in The Roll of the Royal College of Physicians ( London : 2nd ed . , 1878 ) . Thomas Birch in The History of the Royal Society adopts " Croune , " which is the spelling that appears on ...
... motus apogei annuus vix 20 ° fuperans reperiatur , cum tamen ex obser- uationibus conftet , Apogeum Lunae interuallo unius anni vltra 40 ° promoueri . Siue autem ista motus Apogei quantitas 20 ° legitime fit ex Theoria deriuata , fiue ...
... motus omni motui eft comparabilis . Nam fi affirmatü ftatuatur verum , mobilia a- qualis celeritatis convinciunt ... motus fpecies , tùm inter fe conferri non poterunt . Etfi XXVII . Etfi verò à fpecic ipfa motus diverfitas rectè.
... Motus proprius S. Pii V. & Conftitutio Urbani VIII . , contra tondentes Monetas aureas & argenteas : necnon Bannimenta & Decreta adverfus falfificantes , alte- rantes , ac expendentes Cedulas Montis Pietatis , & Menfæ Nummariæ Sancti ...
The Philippines series of the PALI Language Texts, under the general editorship of Howard P. McKaughan, consists of lesson textbooks, grammars, and dictionaries for seven major Filipino languages.