... Motus proprius S. Pii V. & Conftitutio Urbani VIII . , contra tondentes Monetas aureas & argenteas : necnon Bannimenta & Decreta adverfus falfificantes , alte- rantes , ac expendentes Cedulas Montis Pietatis , & Menfæ Nummariæ Sancti ...
Mainly written during my teen years and young adulthood, it details various forms of trauma and those dark thoughts on sleepless nights. Life is about emotions and being able to be honest about them. This is my therapeutic journey.
How are they manifesting in diverse populations? And can you or your organization be instrumental in catalyzing more movements? Motus Dei, Latin for "movement of God," seeks to answer these questions and more.
... motus). This brings us back to what we discussed at the beginning: The Principium motus places the miracle of nature back into autonomous nature itself. Creator and Creation exist in one another and permeate each other. They are ...