... Motus Dei is a window into the dynamic discussion that is reshaping how the global church is fulfilling the Great Commission . If there was any one book that provides the clearest snapshot of the current " state of movement missiology ...
... motus; according to him this is ultimately what holds the world together at the core. In Alfred Schmid 's view this insight is generated by “gnostic thinking” and requires faith. This faith, however, is not simply a belief in something ...
... XII , doct . med . h.c. R.W.T.H. Aachen Translation revised by August ZIGGELAAR , S.J. , dr . phil . Copenhagen and edited by Margaret NAYLER , Ph.D. , The University of Melbourne 56 RATIONE MOTUS Mufculorum . Auctoresigned . Joon Ἐν πᾶσι.
... motus Lunae cum motu huius corpo- ris , quod imaginamur , perfecte conueniret , tum vbique foret z = I - kk Ik cof , feu z = : quoniam autem hi duo motus inter fe non conueniunt , non erit z = t . Ponamus ergo effe : 2 = tu = ( I ...
... motus , quĉ genere . fpecic & numero cft , nafcitur , XXVIII , Quintum theorema eft : Mavens & mobile , inter fe comparantur certà proportione , quĉ varia eft , fcilicet : 1. Totius moyentis , vel ad totum mobile per totum fpatium toto ...
... Motus proprius S. Pii V. & Conftitutio Urbani VIII . , contra tondentes Monetas aureas & argenteas : necnon Bannimenta & Decreta adverfus falfificantes , alte- rantes , ac expendentes Cedulas Montis Pietatis , & Menfĉ Nummariĉ Sancti ...
... motus libertatis , per quem corpora se liberare nituntur a pressurâ . " He gives as instances of this motus libertatis , water which reacts upon the swimmer - air upon the bird in its flight - and the pop - guns of children , in ...