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likewife from
... Likewife . 14.31 ye of little faith . 16.8 fo likewife ye . See Luke 17.10 . Mat . 24.33 and become as little children . 18.3 confeffed likewife the Lord . Luke 2.38 as this little child . let him do likewife . 3.11 do it here ...
likewife from
... likewife returned to be worth annually 262. 195 . The Priory of the Minories was likewife returned to be worth annually 3181. 8s . 5d . The Monaftery of St. Mary de Gratiis near the Tower , Lon- don , was likewife returned to be ...
likewife from
... likewife in the kiln a large new fteep - lead , which receives a chaldron of corn at once : likewife in the larder houfe one great falting - tub , which will hold four oxen or more : likewife in the great chamber over the lour , one ...
likewife from
... likewife on the fame . Of Chastitie .... Similies on the fame fubiect . Examples likewife on the fame . Of Beautie ..... Similies on the fame fubiect . Examples likewife on the fame . Of lealoufie ...... Similies on the fame fubiect ...
likewife from
... likewife on the fame . Of Pride , & c . ....... Similies on the fame fubiect . Examples likewife on the fame . Of Couetoufnes , & c .. ...... Similies on the fame fubiect . Examples likewife on the fame . Of Sloth , & c ...
likewife from
... likewife . In Cafe - That the Defendant never promised . And the faid C. comes and defends , & c . and faith that he never promised in manner and form as the faid A. above complains against him , and therefore puts himself on trial ...
likewife from
... likewife command you , that the record of the judginent aforesaid between the parties aforesaid in the plea aforefaid of Eafter term in the 10th year of our reign , roll 377. filed in our court , being in your cuftody , being fearched ...
likewife from
... likewife , in Chevermunt likewife , in Ludefort likewise , in Covenham like- wife , in Emmingham likewife . In Lindefay the tithe of Hall Provifion , in Sumerledeby likewife . In Samar in Everwychefire ( or Yorkshire ) likewife ; and at ...
likewife from
... likewife putting in horrid Pictures in feveral Places of the holy Scripture , and likewife drawing Scores betwixt the Books of the Bible , and other fuper- fluous Traditions . Likewife , we renounce the Catechifms larger and fhorter ...
likewife from
... likewife Leudes ( 5 ) , Fideles , Vafi * , Milites ** The Maires de Palais had likewife their Vaffals , as is evident by the Hiftories of Pipin II , Grimoald , and Charles Martel ( 6 ) : So likewife the Dukes of Bavaria and Swabia ; and ...