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likewife from
... Likewife the houfe and Jot on Water- ftreet, adjoining next below Colonel Taylors, in pofltffion of William Nevius; the lot is in front on the ftreet 75 feet, tnd extending the fame breadth about 175 feet, with a water lot in front of ...
likewife from
... Likewife 'the hoofe and lot on Water ftreet/ a adjoining next below Colonel Taylors, in po'fieffion of William W Netviu<3 i the lot is 'in front on "the ftreet 75' f feet, and extending trre fame breadth about 175 feet, w with a water ...
likewife from
... Likewife "the houfe and lot on Water ilreet, adjoining a next below Colonel Taylor^ in pofTeUiun of William W Nevius? the lot is in front oh the ftreet 75 feet, and extending the fame breadth about 175 feet, With a warar lot in front of ...
likewife from
... likewife cleans the Teeth all the foulnefs or tatfar; renders the Teeth white . and beautiful without the^lea ft pain. He extracts Te th Stumps, if ever fo bunojXxihe gums, in the eafieft manner — likewife, fills upflrvraved ones. N. B. ...
likewife from
Juft r Parcel of BUTTFR. Likewife, Likewife, Likewife, HOCTSTMiUD.- vei very hard and \(-* te ; iladelphia BEER, by tMlgai on or quart— by. -"fi .
likewife from
... by PlcyeA Dufl tk, Hook, Lind/cy, &c. do. for Vio/in, F/ute, Clarinet, Hautboy, 1-ife, Guitar, BnfToon, Src. ruled Mufic Paper Rvt'ing Pens ; Rctds for C/arinets ; Balloon and. Likewife Likewife Likewife an affortmcnt affortmcnt of of.
likewife from
... likewife an exceeding good Houfc, t Barn*, Corn.Howfe, Store, Chaife-Hoiife, &c* Ğ3 itt good Repair, with * good WeUsj it is well watered. The Price, and Tertw of Pay, may be known by enquiring of CHAğL*ğ C.'CitAtJpte* Efqj or Mr ...
likewife from
... likewife advanced through Men- x.ingen towards Urach, Tlie Auftrian patroles, ns we are iuloimed, have likewife advanced to Urach, and had a fkirmifh with the French patroles, in which neither fide obtained any deci- fivc advantage. The ...
likewife from
... Likewife the houfe and lot on Water ftre-.t, adjoining next below Colonel Taylors, in pofftffion of \Villiam Nevius ; the lot is in front on the flreet 75 feet, and extending the fame breadth about 175 feet, wilh a water lot in front of ...
likewife from
... likewife an exceeding good Houfc, t Barn*, Corn.Howfe, Store, Chaife-Hoiife, &c* Ğ3 itt good Repair, with * good WeUsj it is well watered. The Price, and Tertw of Pay, may be known by enquiring of CHAğL*ğ C.'CitAtJpte* Efqj or Mr ...