likewife from
... Likewife . 14.31 ye of little faith . 16.8 fo likewife ye . See Luke 17.10 . Mat . 24.33 and become as little children . 18.3 confeffed likewife the Lord . Luke 2.38 as this little child . let him do likewife . 3.11 do it here ...
likewife from
... likewife on the fame . Of Chastitie .... Similies on the fame fubiect . Examples likewife on the fame . Of Beautie ..... Similies on the fame fubiect . Examples likewife on the fame . Of lealoufie ...... Similies on the fame fubiect ...
likewife from
... likewife returned to be worth annually 262. 195 . The Priory of the Minories was likewife returned to be worth annually 3181. 8s . 5d . The Monaftery of St. Mary de Gratiis near the Tower , Lon- don , was likewife returned to be ...
likewife from
... likewife on the fame . Of Pride , & c . ....... Similies on the fame fubiect . Examples likewife on the fame . Of Couetoufnes , & c .. ...... Similies on the fame fubiect . Examples likewife on the fame . Of Sloth , & c ...
likewife from
... likewife Capt . of a company : Joseph Lewis Feyrac , Esq ; to be Major to the faid reg . and likewife Capt . of a company . The follow- ing Gentlemen are appointed to be Officers in the regiments hereafter mentioned . Rich . Shuck ...
likewife from
... likewife proceed from an inflammato- ry difpofition of the blood , in which cafe there is ge- nerally fome degree of fever ; this likewife happens when the flux is occafioned by an obftructed perfpira- tion or a stricture upon the skin ...
likewife from
... likewife their Sons ; which failing , that the Brothers of the Deceas'd might alfo fucceed , confented , and therefore a Law was publish'd , That if the Vaffal fhould have no Sons alive , the Grandfon , by a Son , fhould fucceed in the ...
likewife from
... likewife on the fame . Of the Tongue , & c . page 167 170 Similies on the fame fubiect . Examples likewife on the fame . Of Flatterie , & c . 174 Similies on the fame fubiect . Examples likewife on the fame . Of good Deeds , & c ...
likewife from
... likewife proceed from an inflammatory difpofition of the blood ; in which case , there is generally fome degree of fe- ver this likewife happens when the flux is occa- fioned by an obftructed perspiration , or a ftricture upon the fkin ...
likewife from
... likewife thereby to Decay . In Ratia , the Churches of Augs- big ( 6 ) , Chur , and Conftance did now , indeed , in fome Measure , recover under the Franks ; but Trent fell into the Hands of the Longobards . The Church afterwards ...