likewife from
... likewife a very fair piece , milled on the edge , and very scarce . Anno 1652 , there was money coined in New - England ; on one fide a tree , MASATHVSETS . IN . Reverfe ; NEW - ENGLAND . AN . DOM . ( in the field ) 1652 x11 . This is ...
likewife from
... likewife is , that they to whom it be- longeth in office , fhall prefent , and fharply punish all fuch as in abufe of this our liberty , will ufe thefe exer . cifes before the ends of all divine fer- vices for that day . And we likewife ...
likewife from
... likewife Rational- ly , that is to fay , according to Laws reducible to right Reafon , or otherwise , in fhorter Words , whether he cannot discover a God in all these Things ; who to the end that he may be found not only by those that ...
likewife from
... likewife between a thing and a perfon , or another thing to which it cannot be referred , as in the civil law , in pari caufa cate- ris fervis habendus eft . And Horace hath likewife , Quum magnis parva mineris - falce recifurum fimili ...
likewife from
... likewife permit that the a- bovementioned ten Ships of Trade be accompany'd by fuch a Number of her Majefty of Great Britain's Ships of War , as fhall be neceffary for their greater Prote 9ion and Secu- rity ; provided always that on ...
likewife from
... Likewife obfervable in the brewing of Ale , fo that tals , fuch as Zink , Lead , Tin , Antimony , Bifmute , he who hath but once onely fo much Ale Grounds Cobolt , & c . their ftinking combuftible and fu [ or Yeft , ] or levened Dough ...
likewife from
... likewife have fome qualities , whether temporary and accidental , or natural and permanent . Thefe qua- lities must likewife be fufceptible of degrees . When different substances are confidered in the fame ftate , its common ...
likewife from
... Likewife all forts of cabinet furniture , at rea- fonable rates . N. B. A great affortment of the above goods being ready made , after the newest fashions , any perfon may be fuppled immediately , or on very short notice . PENNSYLVANIA ...
likewife from
... likewife very much confirms this notion , under the different views which it gives us of our future happiness . In the defcription of the throne of God , it re- prefents to us all those objects which are able to gratify the fenfes and ...