likewife from
... likewife their Sons ; which failing , that the Brothers of the Deceas'd might alfo fucceed , confented , and therefore a Law was publish'd , That if the Vaffal fhould have no Sons alive , the Grandfon , by a Son , fhould fucceed in the ...
likewife from
... likewife proceed from an inflammatory difpofition of the blood ; in which case , there is generally fome degree of fe- ver this likewife happens when the flux is occa- fioned by an obftructed perspiration , or a ftricture upon the fkin ...
likewife from
... likewife thereby to Decay . In Ratia , the Churches of Augs- big ( 6 ) , Chur , and Conftance did now , indeed , in fome Measure , recover under the Franks ; but Trent fell into the Hands of the Longobards . The Church afterwards ...
likewife from
... likewife defired me not to be too for- ward in making any fuch difpatches to your Majefty , until I had advifed with my Lord of Canterbury , which I moft willingly obeyed , never intend- ing to enter upon a business of fuch weight ...
likewife from
... likewife , this do je as oft as ye drink it , in re- membrance of me ; and indeed , St. Luke doth moft punctually imply the fame , although not exprefly enforce it , in verse 20 . likewife alfo the Cup after Supper , Jaying . This likewife ...
likewife from
... Likewife Ships and other Veffels Naval with their Guns , Rigging , Tackle Apparrel , Furniture and Provifions : Likewife Weapons for War , Books , mufical Inftruments , and the like : Corn , whether in the Ground , Field or Barn : And ...
likewife from
... likewife defired me not to be too for ward in making any fuch dispatches to your Majesty , until I had advised with my Lord of Canterbury , which I moft willingly obeyed , never intend- ing to enter upon a bufinefs of fuch weight ...
likewife from
... likewife appeared , that the standard wheaten bread cannot be afcertained , without the concurrence of the miller and flourman , as well as the baker . It likewife appeared , and was proved , by the experience of the gentlemen prefent ...
likewife from
... likewife a Port - Town of very great concernment in Holland . The Garrifons being placed according to agreement , the States did fo very much intreat Leicester , that to boot with the chief Command of their Forces he would likewife ...
likewife from
... Likewife , Aux- ilior , adminiculor , fubvenio , fuccurro , patrocinor , medeor , medicor , opitulor . Likewife , Derogo , detraho , invideo , amulor . 3. To command and obey , to ferve and refift ; ` as , Impero , præcipio , mando ...