INSCRIPTIONS FOR MONUMENT ASKED. Tlie committee in charge of tho •rocllon of tho Confederate monument arc desirous that Inscriptions for tho four bronze Uiblets to be [ilneed on the four sides of the base of the monument shall be ...
... inscriptions. On a comptfi 1.240 eluiliunts pendant la periode du 3 au 21 juillet et 940 uu 24 juillet au 11 aout ... inscriptions pour 15 cours A Uaspe. 183 inscriptions pour 7 cours A Miita- nc, 173 inscriptions pour 8 cours A ...
... inscription "Fines Coronat Opus" is "The Crowning Work Is Finished. They were ready to get on with their lives. Subsequent classes, except one, stuck with English Inscriptions. The 1909 inscription "Faithful In All" was followed In 1910 ...
... Inscriptions pour tous les joueurs des categories mosquito 8 a 10 ans, pee wee 10 a 12 ans, bantam 12 a 14 ans et midget 14 a 16 ans debuteront le 21 novembre pour se ter- mlner le 5 decembre. L'ouverture offtcielle de la salson de ...
... inscriptions aux Loisirs de Granby, Patrice Faucher affirme que le nombre de personnes inscrites aux differentes activites est sensible- ment le mSme que I'annee derniere. M. Faucher constate une augmentation des inscriptions chez les ...
... inscriptions on stone structures in New Hampshire and Vermont. The reports said the inscriptions are part of an ancient language called Ogam, used long ago by Celtic peoples. Celtic is a large class of peoples from western Europe who ...
... inscriptions de 1'exterieur Ce qui veut dire que les inscriptions locales sont Hmitees a 29 Aussitot que nous aurons inscrits 2t» equipes les inscriptions seront fermees Les formules pour ces inscriptions peuvent etre obtenues au bar ...
... inscriptions requires the least equipment and can be done at any time. of day. A rubbing can be made of a tombstone inscription using a large sheet of paper ( rice paper is good ) and either charcoal, crayon, or wax. You can order ...
... inscriptions, which represent the prototype of all modern alphabets Hebrew, Greek, Cyrillic and Roman. They were found five years ago by John Darnell, an assistant professor at Yale University who spends several months each year in ...