THE OKLAHOMA CITY BOMBING AND THE POLITICS OF TERROR An in-depth analysis of the bombing of the Murrah Federal Building in April 1995 in which 169 people died.
This book draws on innovative research and industry practice to explain methods for the modeling of all of these processes, helping readers to apply computational power to more areas of textile engineering than ever before.
In this informative and keen look at contemporary trends in Old Testament theology, Perdue builds on his earlier volume The Collapse of History (1994).
The present volume explores anew, without presupposition or exclusion, the criteria by which interpreters identify literary works in these books as a resource for recovering the composition history of the literature.
In the pages of this revealing new book, author Jim Keith presents the first thorough investigation of the tragedy and the incredible conspiracy that lies behind it.
The chapters in this book cover different aspects of manufacturing scaffolds with various polymers, mechanical characteristics, degradation rates, decellularization techniques, cell sheet assembly, 3-D printing and autologous mandril-based ...
The volume opens with an analysis of Germany’s preparations for the Games and the attempts by the Nazi regime to allay the international concerns about Hitler’s racist ideals and expansionist ambitions.