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inauthor: Edmond Malone from
... University press, 1996. Malone, edmond. Supplement to the Edition of Shakespeare's Plays Published in 1778. 2 vols. London, 1780. (ed.). The Plays and Poems of William Shakspeare, with the corrections and illustrations of various ...
inauthor: Edmond Malone from
This book challenges a longstanding and deeply ingrained belief in Shakespearean studies that The Tempest--long supposed to be Shakespeare's last play--was not written until 1611.
inauthor: Edmond Malone from
This is important in a complex and ever-changing situation involving a dynamic interplay between local, regional and global factors.
inauthor: Edmond Malone from
The book repeated its success by showing how security engineers can focus on usability. Now the third edition brings it up to date for 2020.
inauthor: Edmond Malone from
The present book is the first comprehensive survey of the field from a literary perspective to appear for forty years.
inauthor: Edmond Malone from
Now in its second edition, Contemporary Tourism: an international approach presents a new and refreshing approach to the study of tourism, considering issues such as the changing world order, destination marketing, tourism ethics, pro-poor ...