... in author . - C.- [ The service which this figure has performed s multifarious . It alludes evidently to the dogma of the phy- iologists , " Corruptio unius est generatio alterius . " Dryden nakes use of it in his letters ; and in ...
... S. Johnson . * 3823 Weakness in n . - Agincourt . 471 Appreciated by Cęsar ... Johnson . Perils of r . - Cortez a lover . 3349 NURSES . 8353 Cross ... in Author - hip - Thomas Jefferson.420 of Devotion to death . 102 64 Desire ...
... s ( sharp ) in Eng . siss . Talways as t in tip or cat . as ph in Eng ... s always voiceless as in sin , but in suadeo , suavis , suesco , and in compounds ... in author ; eu as in neuter . C. Consonants . These are pronounced in ...
... ( In author's Our old home . ) 914.2 H2 Sketches and studies . 818 H6 -Same . 2 JD25 Snow image and other twice - told tales . 1 H76 Villette . Nicholls , C. ( Β . ) 2 N7 -Same . ( In author's ... S. Johnson . Oliver Cromwell . B. Franklin .
... in author of Notes on the Epistle to the Romans ( New York , pencil and water - color . He was elected a Royal ... S .: anatomist and naturalist ; b . in Lancaster , Eng- land , in 1832 ; studied medicine in St. Bartholomew's Hospi ...
... s ( sharp ) in Eng . siss . always as t in tip or cat . as ph in Eng ... s always voiceless as in sin , but in suadeo , suavis , suesco , and in compounds ... in author ; eu as in neuter . C. Consonants . These are pronounced in ...
... in Author having read with great pleasure , an intended Epitaph for the ... Johnson is Capable of giving it . We therefore , with ; deference tolus ... s English Writer ought to be perpetuated in the language , to which his ...
... ( In author's Our old home . 1877. ) 1 H75 2 v . in 1. D. - Snow - image , and ... ( In author's House of seven gables . n.d. ) - Tales of the White Hills ... S : Johnson . Oliver Cromwell . B : Franklin . Queen Christina . - Twice ...
... in- author of many astronomical and meteoro - sert , as it is one the use of which we have ligical observations ... S. or S.W. Ditto ...... ........ 4 " 1 6 ,, 8 even . 8 10 even . 29 10 12 night , Fair 12 2 morn . Ditto . 12 2 4 ...
... S. 1882 . Little River , Morris Ferry , Ark . , bridge , extend time H. R. 14480 ; Mrs. Wingo . S. 5571 . Leverett , Lettie , relief . H. R. 6449 ; Mr. Johnson ... in , author- ize restoration of . H. R. 2481 ; Mr. Morehead . Lindley ...