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home-discipline from
Good school discipline is established at home. The start of another year looms just over the horizon. What is your part in the discipline and order necessary for learning to take place there? More than you may think. Good discipline ...
home-discipline from
... Home, because he understands they resort whipping to main- ain discipline. The governor should not be so silly in this matter about the Industrial Home management. He knows absolutely nothing about it, and will not come to the Home and ...
home-discipline from
Home Influences. If it be true in general, as a celebrated writer has said ... discipline, of the rights of property, ard, in fact, of nearly all the ... home, one in which the ideas of discipline and government shall be happily ...
home-discipline from
AP AND up VICES 157th VICAR, NO. aM -Juvenile Delinquency Poor Home Discipline Cause Of Youth Slips, Prosecutor Asserts (By RAY PALI. •;f •':;;";!: stsswrsBarsni ti.-i.-i,,,,,,,,,,, PymUl PymUl .l..n,.|in, .l..n,.|in, „, ,„, h,,,l. h,,,l ...
home-discipline from
... home discipline is happily rare in the present day. Only a strong intellect can survive without being weakened by snch an education. AH the spirit of the present day, in schools as well as in home life, is toward greater freedom of ...
home-discipline from
... discipline, the lack of parentnl supervision. In the open discussion of the matter, parents come in for the bulk of tho blame. Certainly, parents have declined generally In home supervision and control of children. But to indict parents ...
home-discipline from
... discipline originates in the "all of this through 'home discipline*. lome Speaking ' on the subject of) , Parents " are Hie first r teachers . of . "Home Discipline" Dr Formica ' children he continued and there- developed a blueprint ...
home-discipline from
... home discipline. They must set it up and stick to it. How much easier said than done! Without wanting to be unfair, we must admit that fathers as a rule do not co-operate in such programs. They arc too Mrs. Ferguson busy earning a ...
home-discipline from
... home discipline. They see the innumerable problems in a reason- ble perspective. They hnve dealt with children in groups and been able to compare their behavior as individuals in relation tp their home environment. In preparation for ...
home-discipline from
... Home Lire and Home Influence-'-Tendencie* j. of « the. Editor Observer: — We ... discipline; oblivious to the rights of others, with nights spent in ... home, parents must command obedience and enforce discipline at home: that is ...