... heart failed months ago. Dressed in a purple T-shirt and sneakers, he appears more like a visitor, in fact, than a cardiac patient. Says Templeton thoughtfully, "I'm in better shape now than I was in high school." Those are unusual ...
... heart. Successful operation promises normal life for child— one of hundreds born each year with congenital heart defects. GIRL. WITH. A. HOLE. IN. HER. HEART. Syracuse,. N. Y.,. citizens. make. a. 'community. project'. of. effort. to. give.
... heart disease, such as heart attacks, strokes, blood clots or aneurysms. Most doctors, however, know better. Dr. Neal Scott, a board-certified cardiologist in Mountain View, Calif, says that new studies reinforce how much easier it is ...
... hearts with detergent until the cells washed away and all that remained was a skeleton of tissue translucent as wax paper — a ghost heart, as Taylor calls it. She injected the scaffold with fresh heart cells from newborn rats. Then she ...
... heart attacks can occur at anytime, several new reports recently released show that some hours, days and seasons are riskier than others — often for reasons that are not clear. For example, heart attacks are more common in winter than ...
... heart of Kolff design now combines two pumps in one unit. Housing of Silastic-impregnated Dacron mesh contains collapsible sacs that pump blood. Wires are to monitor pump action. HEAD AND ARMS U ... Heart PAGE the New Mechanical Heart.
... heart ceases to beat? Under all sorts of different conditions, a doctor often is confronted with this urgent question. The ambulance physician faces it with the victim of heart stroke, drowning, or accident. The surgeon faces it when ...
... heart. A low resting heart rate usually means you're in good condition. Have you checked yours? By Drew Kaplan It's a fact. You can tell a lot about yourself from your heart rate. You can evaluate the condition you are in, how much ...
HEART. TO. HEART. CAN. A. CHIMP. TRANSPLANT. SAVE. HUMAN. LIFE? BY. NICK. TAYLOR. •QSEPH RIZZO HAS PRAYED for an accident to kill a healthy young person of his size and blood type so that Rizzo might have the heart. The 60-year-old Long ...
... heart to the point that a heart transplant was the only thing that would give the Detroit child the chance to see her third birthday. On June 20 of last year, a team of surgeons at the University of Michigan's C.S. Mott Children's ...